Helene Andersson Svahn


ERC-grant to SciLifeLab researchers

Helene Andersson Svahn and Johan Elf have been granted EUR 4.4 together from the European Research Council, ERC. 

The ERC Consolidator Grant targets researchers with seven to twelve years’ experience after their PhD. Over 3 600 proposals were submitted this year and 312 researchers were granted funding. Helene Andersson Svahn, professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology/SciLifeLab was granted EUR 2 million and Johan Elf, professor at Uppsala University/SciLifeLab EUR 2.4 million.

“It is great!” says Johan Elf. “This money will help us develop completely new optical methods to study dynamics in the living cell at very high spatial and temporal resolution.”

“It is fantastic and very inspiring to receive such prestigious grant.” says Helene Andersson Svahn. “It will enable my research group to develop our most innovative ideas in the area of point of care diagnostics. The unique research environment at SciLifeLab will be very valuable in this interdisciplinary research project.”

Helene Andersson Svahn
Helene Andersson Svahn
Johan Elf
Johan Elf



Last updated: 2014-01-21

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