Every 1st week of the month (mainly on Tuesdays, but there might be exceptions) the BioImage Informatics Facility together with microscopy expert Sylvie Le Guyader (LCI, Karolinska Institutet) organizes a Call4Help session. The aim is to offer combined expertise towards microscopy and bioimage analysis. All researchers from Swedish institutes can participate.
The ideal timepoint to join the Call4Help session is when a researcher has performed pilot experiments and has tried out first analysis approaches – but before having recorded hundreds of images. Combining BIIF’s expertise in BioImage Analysis with microscopy expertise we can discuss ways to record the images that allow analysis afterwards. We will discuss different analysis approaches using mainly open-source software (Fiji, CellProfiler, QuPath, Ilastik, KNIME), but also commercial systems, if needed (Imaris).
The Call4Help session format has been introduced to the BioImage Analysis community by NEUBIAS and ScopeM.