Submit updates to your Group Leader page

Submit updates to your Group Leader page

Do you currently have a profile page at SciLifeLab?
Please enter the URL where your current profile page is located. This is a required field.


Please select if you want to have it updated on your SciLifeLab Profile page.
Please submit URL, only if you want to have it listed/updated on your SciLifeLab Profile page

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Please upload a high resolution, recent profile picture of your face. Please note that you must have full copyright to any picture you submit.
Please submit only if you want to have it listed/updated on your SciLifeLab Profile page.
Please submit only if you want to have it listed/updated on your SciLifeLab Profile page
Please submit your ORCID here, publications will be fetched through this.
If updated, please submit a full list of publications, in the order you prefer them. No more than 6 publications allowed.

I am a

Please select all/any that apply.
DDLS fellow
SciLifeLab fellow
Head of Unit
Platform Director
Platform Co-Director
Platform Scientific Director

Research Interests

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Please upload a high resolution, picture to illustrate either your group – or your research. It can be anything from a group photo to a figure describing a complex molecular process. Please note that you must have full copyright to any picture you submit.
Please list up to 10 keywords, relevant to your research – each one on a new line. A keyword can contain blank spaces.
Please list all your group members, one name per line.
I confirm that all submitted images are free to use for SciLifeLab, without copyright.
I confirm that all that all of the submitted information above is correct, and that I understand that I am responsible for submitting updates in role/career myself, either through this form or by e-mail to