2022 års vinnare av Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists


Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists 2023 open for applications

The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists celebrate excellent research to promote young scientists early in their careers. This year we celebrate the prize’s tenth anniversary, and the application period is now open

With the aim to promote early career scientists, SciLifeLab and Science magazine/AAAS have joined forces in creating a global prize awarding the best PhD thesis work in four different categories of life science. To apply, young researchers are encouraged to compose an essay based on their thesis, which is then evaluated by the editorial board of Science.

All four winner’s essay will be published in Science, and all four winners are invited to Sweden to present their research and meet with other leading scientists in their field. In addition, the Grand Prize winner will receive 30,000 USD, and the three category winners will receive 10,000 USD each.

”My advice would really be just go for it – don’t overthink it  – just try to think how you would explain your research to somebody from your family who is not in science. Try to break things down to a level that you think will get them interested and curious about what you did, and then still sprinkle in enough of your science for them to be able to get a sense of the complexity that is in there. It is really about finding that fine balance between scientific record and storytelling says Florian Schmidt, ETH Zurich, Grand Prize winner 2022.

Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists 2023 is now open for applications from researchers who have defended their PhD thesis 2021 and 2022

The categories of the prize are Cell and Molecular Biology; Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology Approaches; Ecology and Environment; and Molecular Medicine.

The prize is made possible through generous support by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Applicants are encouraged to apply by sending in an essay on their field of research in one of four categories no later than July 15th.

Read more and apply here: https://scienceprize.scilifelab.se


Last updated: 2023-03-15

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(victor.kuismin@scilifelab.uu.se)