Biobanks for COVID-19 research
This research area aims at developing and coordinating biobanking of COVID-19 samples (e.g. multiple sample types and longitudinal follow-up) for current and future research efforts, and sharing best practices. The work is carried out in collaboration with Biobank Sweden.
The area consists of 8 individual projects, funded a total of 7,7 MSEK. Led by researchers at Uppsala University, Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University, University of Gothenburg, Lund University and Örebro University.
Coordinator: Jeannette Lundblad Magnusson, Karolinska University Hospital
Scientific lead: Mia Phillipson, Uppsala University
Uppsala COVID-19 ICU Biobank
Michael Hultström, Uppsala University
Building Capacity – the Sahlgrenska Covid-19 Biobank
Magnus Gisslen, University of Gothenburg
COVID-UMU: Sample collection and understanding the transition from mild to severe COVID-19
Clas Ahlm, Umeå University
Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies in adults, and building a repository of samples from seroconverted asymptomatic adults
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, University of Gothenburg
The spread of SARS-CoV-2 monitored by the serum samples routinely obtained through maternal screening and blood donor screening
Martin Sundqvist, Örebro University
The COMMUNITY Study- COVID-19 Biomarker and Immunity Study
Charlotte Thålin, Karolinska Institutet/Danderyd Hospital
Establishing a biobank of clinical specimens for studying evolution of viral diversity and development of immune response, including inflammation, seroprevalence and protective antibodies, in SARS-Cov2 infection (Biobank)
Patrik Medstrand, Lund University
A biomarker-based approach to rapidly identify COVID-19 patients at high risk of severe disease and mortality at 3 emergency departments in Region Skåne
Toralph Ruge, Lund University