2 PhD positions in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
Uppsala University
Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 45,000 students, more than 7,000 employees and a turnover of around SEK 7 billion.
Project 1: Non-invasive diagnosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease using magnetic imaging techniques
Project 2: Early detection of colorectal cancer using non-invasive, magnetic imaging techniques
The Department of Pharmacy offers an interdisciplinary environment at the center of the pharmaceutical arena. With frontline research, first-rate education and extensive collaborations we constitute an important driving force in the development of our academic field. In this inspiring environment our rich diversity of research groups, several of international prominence, develop and conduct work of great scientific importance. Among our core competences are in vitro ADME models, enabling formulations, advanced in vivo methods, computational modelling and simulations, as well as patient and societal aspects, from optimizing the use of drugs in individuals to societal pharmaceutical policies. Together, we form a unique cluster of academic competences within pharmaceutical science, playing a key role in shaping the future of pharmacy in both Sweden and globally.
Our scientific focus areas in selection: Molecular Pharmaceutics • Drug Delivery • Pharmaceutical nanotechnology • Pharmacokinetics • Pharmacodynamics • Pharmacometrics • Clinical Pharmacy • Pharmacoeconomics • Pharmacoepidemiology • Pharmacotherapy • Social Pharmacy.
More information at Institutionen för farmaci.
The research group: The PhD students will be linked to the research group Molecular Pharmaceutics. The group takes a multidisciplinary approach and combines computational chemistry and bioinformatics with cell- and molecular biology, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutics and physical chemistry to find new ways to predict and define rate-limiting barriers to the absorption and organ distribution of different types of drugs. More information at Department of Pharmacy. The position is placed in the research group of Alexandra Teleki SciLifeLab who is associated with SciLifeLab. The overall goal of the Teleki research group is to transform innovative nanomedical approaches to clinically relevant, patient-compliant diagnosis and treatment. The PhD positions are partly funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant MAGNETO that aims to develop a novel diagnostic and therapeutic platform to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in children.
The projects: The projects are highly interdisciplinary acting at the interface of pharmaceutical and material sciences. The PhD students will work in the area of pharmaceutical nanotechnology with the aim to develop nanomaterials for diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) can be used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or as tracer modalities in magnetic particle imaging (MPI). The latter is a novel preclinical imaging technique that produces high-contrast, highly sensitive images with a signal that can be easily quantified. SPION will be produced by flame spray pyrolysis and functionalized with antibodies that are specific to biomarkers overexpressed during disease in the gastrointestinal tract. The disease state can thus be diagnosed and its activity even quantified non-invasively with the magnetic imaging techniques.
Project 1 “Non-invasive diagnosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease using magnetic imaging techniques” focuses on diagnosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Project 2 “Early detection of colorectal cancer using non-invasive, magnetic imaging techniques” focuses on early detection/prevention of colorectal cancer. Both projects will use relevant in vitro cell-based profiling methods as well as in vivo animal models to study the functionality of the magnetic biosensors in the gastrointestinal tract with focus on the respective disease state. The projects are expected to result in orally administered, biocompatible SPION that enable patients to evade the current invasive diagnostic methods and allow physicians to detect, diagnose and determine the extent of gastrointestinal diseases through MRI or MPI. Focus areas of the PhD studies: Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology • Drug delivery • Cell culturing • Magnetic Imaging Techniques • Biomarker discovery • Nanoparticle synthesis and solid state characterization.
Qualifications: Applications from highly motivated candidates are welcome. The successful candidate should have a Master of Science in Pharmaceutics, Chemical/biochemical engineering, Chemistry, Biomedicine or similarly relevant field, and have good communication skills in oral and written English. Previous experience of any of the core subjects are meritorious. The holder of a PhD-student position shall primarily devote her or his time to own research studies. Other departmental work, such as educational or administrative duties, can be part of the position (max 20%). Of time spent on other work duties, the time for research will be extended to correspond to 4 years full-time studies.
Information about postgraduate studies, including eligibility requirements and admission rules, can be found at Doctoral-level Programmes within Medicine and Pharmacy.
How to apply: The application, preferably written in English, is submitted through the application portal of Uppsala university and should contain
- a letter in which the applicant describes her- or himself and indicates the preferred project (Project 1 or Project 2) she/he is interested in, motivates why she/he has applied for the position, states relevant qualifications and indicates research interests and plans for the future.
- a CV including at least two references (phone number and email), and
- copies of relevant certificates, degrees and grades, and copies of your master thesis and other documents, such as publications, that you want to invoke.
Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines.
Salary: According to local agreement for PhD students.
Starting date: 01-08-2021 or as otherwise agreed.
Type of employment: Temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7.
Scope of employment: 100 %
For further information about the position please contact: Associate Professor Alexandra Teleki, tel 018-471 4745, e-post alexandra.teleki@scilifelab.uu.se.
Please submit your application by 4 June 2021, UFV-PA 2021/1512.
Placement: Department of Pharmacy
Type of employment: Full time , Temporary position longer than 6 months
Pay: Fixed salary
Number of positions: 1
Working hours: 100 %
Town: Uppsala
County: Uppsala län
Country: Sweden
Union representative: ST/TCO tco@fackorg.uu.se
Seko Universitetsklubben seko@uadm.uu.se
Saco-rådet saco@uadm.uu.se
Number of reference: UFV-PA 2021/1512