Assignment DDLS research school director

Application deadline

September 19, 2022

Are you our new DDLS research school director? 


The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is a 12-year initiative focusing on data-driven research, within the research areas of Cell and Molecular Biology, Precision medicine and Diagnostics, Evolution and Biodiversity and Epidemiology and biology of Infection. SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory), as a national infrastructure for life science, coordinates this program in collaboration with ten partner universities (Chalmers, GU, KI, KTH, LiU, LU, SLU, SU, UmU and UU) and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

The purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists, and to create strong and globally competitive computational and data science capabilities in Swedish life science. To achieve this the program will recruit 39 eminent junior group leaders as DDLS Fellows, launch over 200 postdoctoral positions and establish a research school for more than 250 PhDs, within both academia and industry. The program also aims to strengthen national collaborations between universities, bridge the research communities of life- and data sciences, and create partnerships with industry, healthcare and other national and international actors.


We seek a researcher at associate or full professor level, or an assistant professor or scientist with equivalent experience who is able and interested in directing the planning and the launch of the DDLS research school together with the 11 DDLS partner organizations. The DDLS research school aims to train the future researchers to have a high competence within data-driven life science in order to meet the future needs of experts within data-driven life sciences in research and development (R&D), industry, health care, as well as society at large. The DDLS research school will present a unique opportunity to unite students and mentors across the country across the four different research areas of DDLS and to contribute to one of the central goals of the 12-year DDLS program.

The national DDLS research school is scheduled to start in 2024, and more than 250 PhD students and 200 post-docs are planned to be enrolled in the research school and its training activities over a 10-year period.

The director will, together with a coordinator and the working group from DDLS support team, form and build-up the DDLS research school. A national training reference group with representation from all partners will provide input and expertise. The director’s assignment entails for example, defining the focus of the research school and to foster the national DDLS network within and between the four strategic DDLS research areas. Once launched, the director, together with a research school management group, research school coordinator, and the DDLS support team, will be responsible for directing the research school, be part of the day-to-day operations, and maintain and continually develop the research school. DDLS will compensate the host department of the selected candidate with a fixed sum as compensation for the assignment. This 2-year assignment will start as soon as possible during the fall 2022 and is open for a possible prolongation as the DDLS program is expected to last for >10 years.

The planned assignment is expected to be about 0.4 FTE during the first two years, but we are open to a gradual start in 2022. The director can be assigned to any of the participating universities or the Swedish Museum of Natural History as the school is at a national level. However, the administrative support from the DDLS support team at Operations Office is based in Stockholm and Uppsala, so some travelling is expected. SciLifeLab and DDLS will compensate the host department with a fixed sum, corresponding to the 0.4 FTE of a professor-level assignment approved by the SciLifeLab board.

The call for the assignment is launched on July 7, and the deadline for submitting an application is September 19 2022. The position is available from mid-October and will be filled as soon as possible.

We expect the ideal candidate to:

  • Have an interest and ability to devote around 40% effort to plan the launch and run the research school. 
  • Have an existing position at one of the DDLS partner organizations (Chalmers, GU, KI, KTH, LiU, LU, NRM, SLU, SU, UmU or UU).
  • Be experienced in running or coordinating post graduate education, or post graduate schools, and supervision of doctoral students.
  • Have experience from own research related to the DDLS program.
  • Have a clear vision of the national aspect and scope of the research school.
  • Have good organizational skills and knowledge about relevant regulations and decision processes, such as the Swedish system for research and higher education.

We also value:

  • Experience in community building in a national context.
  • A relevant, established network within Swedish academia and ideally also experience from academic-industrial collaborations.
  • Good communicational skills in Swedish and English
  • Previous experience with management in academia or industry
  • Knowledge of Swedish universities financial streams and systems

We offer:

  • To be part of building and accelerating how life science is practised in the future
  • To be part of educating and training the next generation of students, and preparing Sweden for the future with data-driven skills and capabilities.
  • An exciting environment, working with the entire DDLS organization and major national stakeholders, such as universities, health care, industry, and funding agencies
  • An important national function with high visibility
  • Opportunity to interact across the nation, across four research areas, and in close collaboration with other major Swedish research programs, such as WASP and WASP-HS.


Please apply by sending your application to: The call is open from July 7 until September 19 2022. Any questions about the assignment can also be sent to the same email address. 

Your application should include:

  • Cover letter (0,5-1 page) summarizing your personal motivations for this assignment, as well as education, experience that make you a strong candidate for this position, and your present role and position in your organization
  • Short description (max 1 page) of initial ideas and your vision for the research school including how to ensure the national focus of the research school
  • CV of a maximum of 2 pages (including a publication list of Top 10 selected papers, as well as previous experience from teaching and education at university level)

Last updated: 2022-07-08

Content Responsible: Johan Inganni(