Assistant Professor in Data Driven Evolution and Biodiversity

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Application deadline

October 15, 2023

Assistant Professor in Data Driven Evolution and Biodiversity


Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences

A position as Assistant Professor (tenure track) within the area Data Driven Evolution and Biodiversity is open at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The candidate can select to place the position within any of the following strong research environments: plant genomics and plant cell and molecular biology (Dept. Plant Biology), terrestrial microbiology and plant pathology (Dept. Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology), fungal ecology (Dept. Soil and Environment), aquatic biodiversity, microbial ecology and environmental genomics (Dept. Aquatic Sciences and Assessment), fish genomics, ecology and sustainable management (Dept. Aquatic Resources), microbiology in gut and engineered systems (Dept. Molecular Sciences), terrestrial community ecology and biodiversity science  (Dept. Ecology), or biodiversity and conservation biology (SLU Swedish Species Information Centre).

Working at SLU you will have ample access to world-class infrastructures for life science research. The university is fully committed to and make use of national molecular bioscience infrastructures, including SciLifeLab platforms for genomics, proteomics, imaging, bioinformatics, and high-performance computing. SLU also offers access to complementary infrastructures relevant for the scope of the position, such as a nationally distributed network of long-term field experiments, research stations, and environmental monitoring programs with associated national data hosting. SLU also provides additional bioinformatic expert support (SLUBI), engages in the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) and maintains the Swedish Species Observation System.

Data-driven life science (DDLS) uses data, computational methods and artificial intelligence to study biological systems and processes at all levels, from molecular structures and cellular processes to human health and global ecosystems. The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) aims to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in Sweden. The program is funded with a total of 3.1 billion SEK (about 290 MUSD) over 12 years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation.

The DDLS program will recruit 39 high-profile young group leaders and launch over 210 postdoctoral positions and establish a research school for 260 PhDs, including industry PhDs and postdocs. Fellows will be recruited to the 11 participating host universities/organizations but brought together under a national DDLS program coordinated by SciLifeLab. The DDLS program has four strategic areas: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and biology of infection. For more information, please see

During 2022-2023, the first round of 20 young group leaders joined us as DDLS Fellows, and now we are looking to recruit an additional group of 19 fellows. Each DDLS Fellow will receive a recruitment package of 17 MSEK (about 1.6 MUSD) for a 5-year period, covering their own salary and other resources, such as two PhD students and postdoc positions. The Fellow positions are tenure-track with the host organizations, assuming responsibility of the long-term faculty appointments following a tenure evaluation.

The future of life science is data-driven. Will you be leading that change with us? Then join us in this unique program!

At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, we are looking to fill the position as DDLS fellow in Data driven evolution and biodiversity.

Subject Area

Data driven evolution and biodiversity concerns research that takes advantage of the massive data streams offered by techniques such as high-throughput sequencing of genomes and biomes, continuous recording of video and audio in the wild, high-throughput imaging of biological specimens, and large-scale remote monitoring of organisms or habitats.

The subject area concerns research in the general area of evolution and biodiversity with a strong computational profile. This research subject area aims to lead to innovative development and/or application of novel data-driven methods relying on machine learning, artificial intelligence, or other computational techniques. The specific subject area is focused on the ecological and evolutionary processes generating and shaping the diversity of plants, animals and/or microorganisms and how these influence ecosystems. Diversity should be interpreted in the broad sense and include taxonomic, genomic, and functional aspects.  The subject area can encompass variable scales of biological inquiry, from molecules and genes to populations, communities, ecosystems, landscapes, and biomes.


The Assistant Professor is expected to develop their own research line within the subject area in collaboration with colleagues at the department and SLU, as well as through national and international collaborations. The Assistant Professor is expected to meet the requirements for promotion to Associate Professor during this position.

In addition, the holder of the position is also expected to

  • apply for external research funding in competition and publish scientific articles
  • develop their own research group
  • participate in postgraduate education
  • teach at basic and advanced levels, including doctoral level
  • receive pedagogical training
  • communicate and collaborate with relevant stakeholders and society.


Eligible for employment as Assistant Professor are candidates who hold a PhD or have equivalent academic qualifications. Priority will be given to candidates who have received a PhD or equivalent qualifications no longer than five years before the application deadline. Other candidates may also be considered if there are extraordinary grounds for doing so. Extraordinary grounds refer to illness, parental leave or similar circumstances.

For employment as Assistant Professor, the candidate must demonstrate research expertise in the subject area.

Good ability to communicate in written and spoken English is required.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for appointment as an Assistant Professor will primarily be based on the degree to which the applicant possesses the required qualifications specified for the position.

The assessment criteria for appointment as an Assistant Professor shall be the degree of the research expertise required as a qualification for employment.

Furthermore, the assessment includes evaluating the applicant’s ability to independently develop a line of research within the subject area, and to qualify for promotion to Associate Professor during the employment period.

After the qualification requirements, emphasis will be placed on personal qualities and personal suitability.

Application deadline

We welcome your application no later than 15 October 2023. Indicate possible hosting department in the application.

Last updated: 2023-07-17

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(