Assistant Professor in Viral Phylodynamics

Application deadline

December 28, 2022

Assistant Professor in Viral Phylodynamics (SciLifeLab Fellow)

at the Department of Mathematics. Closing date: 28 December 2022.

Stockholm University is a leading European university and one of the world’s top 100 institutes of higher education and research. Stockholm University has more than 60,000 students and 5,000 staff.

The Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for large-scale biosciences with a focus on health and environmental research and is a collaboration between Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology, and Uppsala University. The position as assistant professor (tenure-track) in Viral Phylodynamics is within the SciLifeLab Fellows program, a career program aiming at strengthening Swedish research in Molecular Biosciences. SciLifeLab activities in Stockholm are located at a dedicated campus, Campus Solna, and the SciLifeLab Fellow will be located at Campus Solna. The position comes with generous financial support for recruiting co-workers and for sustaining research activities during the six years as assistant professor. 

The last century of research has led the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University to acquire a prominent place in Scandinavian mathematics. The department consists of three divisions: Mathematics, Mathematical statistics, and the recently formed Computational mathematics. The research in the division of mathematics include algebra, geometry and combinatorics, analysis and logic. The research in mathematical statistics include probability theory and statistical inference theory, with applications in biostatistics, climatology, econometrics, finance and insurance. Computational mathematics is a new direction for the department, with activities in computational biology, stochastic modelling, scientific computing for climatology, and logic of programs.

Viral Phylodynamics

Subject description
The subject of the position includes mathematical, mathematical statistical and computational aspects of how epidemiological, immunological and evolutionary processes affect viral phylogenies.

Main responsibilities
Research and in addition some teaching and supervision. Teaching mainly in mathematics, mathematical statistics or computational mathematics/data science.

Qualification requirements
In order to qualify for the position as assistant professor, the applicant must have completed a doctoral degree in Sweden or an equivalent degree from another country. In the first instance, an applicant should be considered who has received such a degree no more than five years before the deadline for applications. However, an applicant who has received such a degree earlier may be considered under special circumstances.

All teaching positions at Stockholm University require the ability to collaborate and the general ability and suitability to perform one’s duties.

Assessment criteria
In the appointment process, special attention will be given to research skills. Teaching skills will also be considered. The assessment of research skills will focus primarily on merits within the subject area of the position.

Additional information
Some central mathematical/statistical/computational concepts include coalescent models, epidemic models, phylogenetics and effective population size. The methods are used for learning more about epidemic spread and virus evolution using massive sequence data from infected individuals in space and time.

For this position, the assistant professor is employed until further notice, but no longer than six years. The contract may be extended to a maximum of eight years under special circumstances, such as due to sick leave or parental leave.

An assistant professor may, on application, be promoted to a permanent position as associate professor. Specific criteria for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor have been established by the Faculty of Science. An application for promotion to associate professor should be submitted to the faculty at least nine months before the appointment as assistant professor expires.

This position (in Swedish, “biträdande lektor”) is a tenure track position, and the qualification requirements and terms of employment are regulated by the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 2017:844).

During the first six years of employment, the main workplace for the successful candidate will be SciLifeLab, Campus Solna.

Female applicants are particularly welcome, as most teachers at the department are men.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Further information about the position can be obtained from the Head of the Department, Professor Joanna Tyrcha, telephone: +46 8 16 45 67, or Associate professor Lars Arvestad, telephone: +46 8 16 46 29,

For questions regarding the application process, please contact administrator, Rahwa Ghebresellase, telephone: +46 8 16 21 27,

Last updated: 2022-12-15

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(