Co-Director for SciLifeLab

Application deadline

August 19, 2020

Co-Director for SciLifeLab

Uppsala University is an international research university focused on the development of science and education. Our most important assets are all the individuals who with their curiosity and their dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting work places. Uppsala University has 46,000 students, more than 7,000 employees and a turnover of SEK 7,3 billion.

SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory) is a national infrastructure and a multi-disciplinary research community with four host universities KTH Royal Institute of Technology (primary host), Stockholm University, Karolinska lnstitutet, and Uppsala University.

SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory) is national resource for the advancement of molecular biosciences in Sweden. We are funded as a national research infrastructure by the Swedish government. Our organization leverages the unique strengths of individual universities across Sweden into a focused resource for our life science community. We provide access for thousands of researchers to the cutting-edge instrumentation and deep scientific expertise necessary to be internationally competitive in life science research. SciLifeLab infrastructure and expertise create a unique environment for carrying out technology- and data-driven research on health and environment.

Uppsala University hereby announces a research position with a commission as Co-Director for Science for Life Laboratory. Both employees of Uppsala University and those presently not employed by the university are welcome to apply.


The commission as Co-Director for Science for Life Laboratory is included in the duties for a period of six years at 50 percent. The appointment may be renewed. In addition, the researcher will conduct his/her own research and teaching duties.

Duties as Co-Director

Work with the director and with the SciLifeLab management group to handle issues regarding SciLifeLab national infrastructure, data and research collaborations. Take part in preparing, overseeing and execution of decisions by the SciLifeLab national board. Lead the national administration of SciLifeLab together with the Director. Serve as a coordinating and strategic planning contact between SciLifeLab and university representatives outside the Stockholm-Uppsala region, such as the Wallenberg Centers for Molecular Medicine and the MAX IV infrastructure. Take part in building national research communities and collaborations for SciLifeLab.


If the candidate fulfills the requirements for a position as professor at Uppsala University, and the candidate does not at present hold such a position, a professorship may be considered.


Professor-level competence or equivalent research experience. Broad understanding and experience of multi-disciplinary research in technology- and/or data-driven molecular biosciences. Documented leadership experience and experience in leading international projects in academia, industry or health care. An ability to promote a good climate of cooperation. A genuine interest in creating an excellent national research infrastructure and collaborative center. An interest to translate research results towards health care, industry and society at large. Excellent ability to communicate orally and in writing in English and Swedish.


The position will be placed at a department within the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy or the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology at Uppsala University.

Uppsala University finds that gender balance and diversity bring a higher quality to the organization. We therefore welcome applicants of any gender and with different birth background, functionality and life experience.


Individual salary

Application deadline

Apply no later than 19 August by submitting your application through Uppsala University’s recruitment system.

Further information

For further information about the position, please contact: Martin Wahlén, 018-4710000.


Last updated: 2020-06-30

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(