KI: Assistant Professor in data-driven epidemiology and infection biology

Application deadline

September 5, 2021

Assistant Professor in data-driven epidemiology and infection biology

Karolinska Institutet

The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is a 12-year initiative funded with a total of 3,1 billion SEK from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in life science in Sweden.

The program will recruit 39 eminent junior group leaders as DDLS Fellows, launch over 210 postdoctoral positions and establish a research school for 260 PhDs, within both academia and industry. The program is coordinated by SciLifeLab, a nationwide research infrastructure and a hub for cross-disciplinary life sciences. The Fellows will be recruited to the 11 participating host universities/organizations, enabling them to link up with strong local research environments as well as with the national DDLS program. The DDLS program promotes collaborative interdisciplinary work and engagement with industry, healthcare and other national and international partners, such as WASP, with the aim of bridging the life science and data science communities.

The DDLS program will focus on four strategic areas of data-driven research: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and infection biology. We are now looking for the first 20 junior group leaders to join us as DDLS Fellows.

Each DDLS Fellow will receive a recruitment package of 17 MSEK, which is meant to cover 5 years of his/her own salary, two PhD students and two postdoc positions, as well as running costs. The Fellow positions are tenure-track, and the universities/organizations will assume the long-term responsibility of their support as tenured faculty.

The future of life science is data-driven. Will you be leading that change with us? Then apply now!

At Karolinska Institutet, we are looking to fill the position as DDLS fellow in data-driven epidemiology and infection biology.

Data-driven epidemiology and infection biology

The subject area concerns research that will use big experimental, clinical, or pathogen surveillance data in innovative ways to transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. The priority area covers computational analysis or predictive modelling of pathogen-host systems for which multidimensional, genome-scale experimental data are now available and extends to using population-scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.

Your mission

We are looking for a promising early career group leader for a six-year position as Assistant Professor in data-driven epidemiology and infection biology. Selection will be based on documented scientific excellence in this research area, which involves handling of large patient associated datasets, in order to promote prevention of infection disease.

The employment as Assistant Professor is full time and limited to 6 years with the possibility to apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer.

Eligibility requirements

Those eligible for employment as an Assistant Professor are individuals who have been awarded a PhD or attained equivalent research competence. Preference should be given to those who were awarded a PhD or attained equivalent research competence no more than five years prior to the expiry of the application period for the position as assistant professor.

Those who have been awarded a PhD or attained equivalent research competence earlier may however be considered if special grounds exist. 

Special grounds refer to:

  • parental leave,
  • positions of trust in trade union organizations
  • mandatory service in the total defense forces
  • long-term illness
  • general medical internship (maximum 24 months)
  • specialist medical residency for clinically active professionals (maximum 24 months).

Ground, dates and extent must be clearly specified in the application and verified with relevant documentation.

Bases of assessment

Selection will be based on scientific excellence in research, and on the originality and potential of the proposed research.  

Experience in supervising doctoral students and participating in graduate school is an advantage.

What do we offer?

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote better health for all. We are recruiting an assistant professor in data-driven epidemiology and infection biology with focus on infection disease modelling/dynamics. Our goal is to recruit the strongest scientist in the field, irrespective of the line of research. The position is not connected to any specific project, but synergies between the candidate’s research and ongoing infectious disease research at KI would be considered a merit. You will join a large interdisciplinary team developing research in data-driven live science at a world-leading medical university. The position is anchored in a large national initiative, and we encourage collaboration with infectious disease modellers at Stockholm University, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (based in Stockholm).  

Karolinska Institutet is a state university, which entitles employees to several benefits such as extended holiday and a generous occupational pension. Employees also receive reimbursements for medical care. 

Location: Solna


Please follow the instructions carefully. Applications should be submitted by the recruitment system Varbi and shall comprise of the following documents, written in English:

  • A personal letter
  • Application form (the form can be found here)
  • PhD certificate

Please attach relevant documentation regarding deductible time in Swedish or English.

You are welcome to apply at the latest by 5 September 2021.

Particular assessment for promotion to Senior Lecturer

An Assistant Professor employed in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 4 Section 12a shall be promoted to Senior Lecturer if he or she is eligible for an employment as Senior Lecturer in accordance with the Instructions regarding the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at Karolinska Institutet and is assessed to be suitable for such employment in accordance with the assessment criteria that KI has decided should be applied when being promoted to Senior Lecturer. The assessment criteria stated in the Instructions regarding the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at Karolinska Institutet that was valid at the time of appointment as Assistant Professor will be applied when applying for promotion to Senior Lecturer. Such promotion results in a permanent position as Senior Lecturer.

Type of employmentTemporary position longer than 6 months
Contract typeFull time
First day of employmentUpon agreement
SalaryUpon agreement
Number of positions1
Working hours100%
CountyStockholms län
Reference numberSTÖD 2-2923/2021
ContactJanne Lethiö, professor,
Julia Linder, HR-specialist ,
Union representativeHenry Wölling, SEKO, 08-524 840 80
Bodil Moberg , OFR, 08-524 836 01
Torkel Falkenberg, SACO, 08-524 838 68
Last application date05.Sep.2021 11:59 PM CET

Last updated: 2021-06-21

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(