Postdoctoral fellow in bee population genomics
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology (IMBIM)
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The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology (IMBIM) at Uppsala University provides a broad international environment for research and teaching. Research at IMBIM) broadly spans the areas of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, tumour biology, comparative genetics, functional genomics, immunology, bacteriology, and virology. The research is essentially of fundamental nature, but with relevance and application in health and disease in both animals and humans. More info:
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Project description and work duties
A postdoctoral research position is available in Matthew Webster’s research group to carry out a project that aims to uncover the genetic basis of local adaptation in honeybees. We will generate and analyze whole-genome sequences from an extensive collection of honeybees that are being sampled throughout Europe. The sequence data will be analyzed together with associated morphological measurements and environmental parameters to identify genotype-environment associations, with the goal of uncovering genes involved in local adaptation and predicting the effects of future climate change on resilience of honeybee populations. The project will also involve analysis of experimental evolution populations and experimental crosses designed to reveal the genetic basis of adaptation to climate.
The position is connected to the Better-B project (, which has an overarching aim to improve the resilience of beekeeping to abiotic stresses such as climate change, habitat loss and hazardous chemicals. The Better-B consortium comprises 18 partner organizations across Europe and is funded by European Union through Horizon Europe. The project involves extensive collaboration within this consortium.
The research will mainly involve bioinformatic/statistical analyses of next-generation sequence data. Sample collection, DNA extraction and sequencing library prep may also be involved.
Research in Matthew Webster’s group ( is focused on evolutionary genomics and population genomics, primarily in bees, addressing questions including the genetic basis of local adaptation and species divergence, conservation genomics, and the evolution of mutation and recombination rates. There will also be opportunities for the successful applicant to work on these topics. We benefit from collaboration with the groups of Profs. Kerstin Lindblad-Toh and Leif Andersson in the same department and with the genome sequencing platform at SciLifeLab, housed in the same building.
Formal requirements and evaluation
The candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree or a foreign degree equivalent to a PhD degree in a relevant field. The candidate must be skilled in bioinformatics and statistics, with proficiency in analysis of next-gen sequencing data and a strong interest in evolutionary genetics. The candidate is expected to both take own initiatives and collaborate with other group members, as well as external collaborators. Excellent communication skills, a high level of motivation and good spoken and written English is required. Finally, significant weight will be given to personal suitability.
For employment as postdoc, the applicant should have a PhD exam or an international equivalent within a maximum of three years before the final application date. During certain circumstances, an earlier PhD can be acceptable. Certain circumstances include leave due to illness, parental leave, activity in trade unions, etc. Applicants who have not completed a doctorate at the end of the application period may also apply, provided that all requirements for a completed degree are met before the (intended) date of employment. This must be substantiated by the applicant’s main supervisor, director or equivalent.
Please submit your application including i) a CV, ii) a cover letter describing your research interests, skills and motivation to apply for the position, iii) publications and/or a copy of your PhD thesis, together with iv) contact information of at least two referees (phone number and e-mail address).
About the employment
The employment is a temporary position of 2 years with eventual possibility to extension. Scope of employment 100%. Starting date as agreed. Placement: Uppsala
For further information about the position: please contact Professor Matthew Webster,
Please submit your written application no later than September 25, 2023, UFV-PA 2023/3061
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