Scientific Lead in Molecular Precision Medicine at SciLifeLab
SciLifeLab aims to build molecular precision medicine capabilities, connecting the unique capabilities of SciLifeLab’s infrastructure platforms, technologies, and data-driven life science initiatives. This will be done together with the research community and with links to health care and industry. SciLifeLab will promote translational research in precision medicine, new technologies and data handling, links between molecular and clinical data, biomarker development and precision medicine trials as well as proof of concept implementation. Now, SciLifeLab seeks a Scientific lead for the endeavor.
Precision medicine is a key aspect of the 10-year strategy for SciLifeLab. SciLifeLab’s infrastructure platforms offer a holistic ability to study health and disease. The newly launched SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) will focus on data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics as one of its key application areas. Precision medicine is a prioritized area for the Swedish government, and funding opportunities are expected to arise at the national, Nordic and EU levels. Furthermore, Swedish universities, hospitals, regions and companies are currently planning their actions in precision medicine. All these developments provide an opportunity for SciLifeLab to engage and have a major national impact. This, however, requires a strong commitment and coordination of the various initiatives within SciLifeLab and with external stakeholders.
SciLifeLab has already contributed to the translation of genomics to clinical research and health care through the launch of its Clinical Genomics Platform and Genomic Medicine Sweden. It is important that the advances in other SciLifeLab technologies, across all platforms, such as proteomics, metabolomics, single cell, spatial- and functional biology are also translated into health care and clinical research. In addition, there is an increasing need for precision biomarkers in drug discovery and development. Sample handling and analysis across multiple platforms, as well as data handling at the SciLifeLab Data Centre and the DDLS program, will need to be engaged and coordinated with. The appointed Scientific lead for Molecular Precision Medicine will develop an overall strategy, but will also get distinct actions underway, such as coordination of sample handling, usage of multiple technologies, data handling and interfaces to the clinic.
We seek a senior scientist/group leader level applicant who is able and interested to devote 50% to the launch of a SciLifeLab strategy for molecular precision medicine, and to launch capabilities in this field. It is also possible to divide the role to a complementary lead and co-lead (e.g. 25% each), who will jointly lead the program. SciLifeLab will compensate the host department of the selected candidate with a fixed sum as support for the assignment. There is also support available for coordination to support the role. Also all SciLifeLab platforms are asked to nominate a contact person to work with the Scientific lead. Genome Medicine Sweden will be a key collaborator and stakeholder in this program and one way to link up with health care. Ideally, SciLifeLab precision medicine will focus in technologies “beyond genomics”, with associated data integration.
The call is launched on April 1, and the deadline for applications is on April 21. Selection process and interview with top candidates will take place April 21-May 19, and the final candidate will be nominated to the SciLifeLab Board on May 19. The planned start of the assignment is on June 1.
We expect the ideal candidate to have:
– Interest and ability to devote a part of their time over several years to launch and execute this program. You should have an existing appointment at any Swedish university.
– Knowledge of one and ideally more than one technology, infrastructure unit or platform at SciLifeLab
– Expertise and interest in molecular precision medicine, such as publications and concrete work in the field
– Knowledge of translational and clinical research, sample handling and data questions
– A relevant, established network within Swedish academia, healthcare or industry.
We also value:
– Interest to promote the national view of Molecular Precision Medicine
– Ability to network and bring scientists, health care and industry representatives together
– Interest and understanding in data handling and data sharing, including challenges in data access and sharing between academic and the clinic and vice versa
– Expertise on team science collaborations and a track record of research grants.
We offer:
– An exciting environment, working with the entire SciLifeLab organization and major national stakeholders, such as universities, health care, industry, and funding agencies
– An important national function, with high visibility
– Opportunity to interact across the nation, in collaboration with major research programs, such as DDLS
– SciLifeLab will offer funding for a coordinator to support this position and the tasks involved
– We tentatively have booked up to 3 MSEK/year of SciLifeLab national funding to promote pilot initiatives and to bring users, health care and platforms and data experts together
Please apply via through the form below. The call opens on April 1 and closes on April 21.
Your application should include:
- Cover letter (0,5-1 page) summarizing your personal motivations for this assignment, as well as education, experience, research area, clinical work etc. that make you a strong candidate for this position, and your present role and position in your organization,
- Short description (max 1 A4 page) of initial ideas and plans on how you would focus and structure precision medicine at SciLifeLab and
- CV of a maximum of 5 pages (including the publication list, major selected papers only)
Please feel free to contact us on:
< Form is now closed for submissions >