Organization and steering

The SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) creates a third dimension to the national SciLifeLab activities – the two others being the national infrastructure and the SFO funded research community. The DDLS program is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) with a total of 3,1 billion SEK over twelve years and regulated by a KAW donation letter.

While the DDLS program has a distinct origin and governance of funding, along with a unique purpose, we want to create synergies between the program and the other dimensions of SciLifeLab, integrating the program with – and utilizing – the unique, nationwide initiative that SciLifeLab is through its infrastructure and research developments.

Overall coordination

The SciLifeLab Board is the decision-making body for the DDLS program.The operations are managed by the Program Director, in collaboration with the DDLS steering group members. A national reference group with representatives from all 11 parties has also been established, and will act to support and advise on strategic issues and ensure close links to the operations and leadership at the collaborating organizations.

The program’s main operations include recruitments, developing a research school and establishing data infrastructure. These operations are coordinated by the steering group, with the aim of creating synergies throughout the program. As the program develops, working groups for certain activities will be launched, and other operational activities added as needed.  

The program is supported by the Operations Office at SciLifeLab, which provides coordination and administrative support, as well as by the Data Centre, which is responsible for coordination of data infrastructure and support.

To reach the team coordinating the DDLS program send an email to

Participating organizations.

DDLS steering group

The steering group consists of the Program Director, who has been directly appointed by the SciLifeLab board, a KAW representative, and ten steering group members nominated through an open call process and then appointed by the SciLifeLab board.

The Program Director is a separate role from the SciLifeLab Director, and acts as Chair for the steering group. For all steering group members, the term of office is three years.

Members of the steering group have been selected based on their scientific expertise in diverse areas of life science and computational approaches. They are not representing the interests of their own host organizations, rather, the program’s interests and the national perspective.

The function of the steering group is that they operate the program, both in preparing and executing decisions by the SciLifeLab Board, and actively work to establish, manage and maintain the program as a truly national initiative at the highest international and scientific level.

DDLS national reference group

The task of the DDLS national reference group is to support and advice the steering group regarding strategic issues for the program. Also, the reference group serves as a link between the program and the leadership of the 11 participating organizations (Chalmers, GU, KTH, KI, SU, UU, LiU, LU, UmU, SLU and the Museum of National History) involved.

There is at least one representative from each participating organization in the reference group, representing the interests of that organization. The reference group is responsible for information exchange between the steering group and the participating organization, especially regarding strategic developments of the program, coordinated recruitments, research initiatives and data related issues.

Contact us

Reach the team coordinating the DDLS program on:

Last updated: 2025-01-03

Content Responsible: Heidi Törmänen Persson(