Data Management seminar series

Research Data Management (RDM) concerns the organisation, storage, preservation, and sharing of data that is collected and analysed during a research project. Proper planning and management of research data will make project management easier and more efficient while projects are being performed. It also facilitates sharing and allows others to validate as well as reuse the data.”

SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series is an event series by the SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS joint Data Management team aimed at both the life science research community and infrastructure, and others with an interest in research data management in life sciences. The events will showcase how to put the FAIR principles, and good data management into practice.

Aim: to provide interesting seminars around topics related to Research Data Management in life sciences in general but also to foster discussions around best practices and how they can be improved.

The events takes place virtually (over Zoom) and are open to everyone, (researchers, staff, RDM professionals etc.) working at or affiliated with a Swedish research institute or university. Each event is scheduled for 60 minutes, including 15 minutes for discussions and Q & A. Recordings of the events will be published openly after the seminars at the SciLifeLab YouTube channel

Upcoming events

If you need support for RDM contact us at

Previous events

Previous events

Watch on Youtube

The seminar will start with an introduction to data sharing followed by presentations of two SciLifeLab services connected to data sharing; SciLifeLab Data Repository – institutional instance of Figshare and SciLifeLab Serve – hosting of AI and Machine Learning model and apps.
Welcome! Speakers Anna Asklöf, Data Steward, Arnold Kochari, Project Leader, SciLifeLab Data Centre.The event is moderated by Parul Tewatia, Data Steward.

Watch the event on Youtube

The topic of this online seminar is “Publish code, software and workflows: Examples of why and how from SciLifeLab“. This seminar will highlight why code, research software and computational workflows are important research assets and showcase practical approaches to sharing, citing and getting recognition for your work. A presentation followed by a Q&A session will elaborates on motivations and good practices using examples from the SciLifeLab community.

Speaker: Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström, Data Steward, NBIS. The event is moderated by Katarina Öjefors Stark, Data Steward.

Watch the event on Youtube

The topic of this online seminar is “Research involving human data – what do I need to think of as a researcher?“. This seminar will focus on collecting and using personal data in research. We will guide you through the different phases of a typical research project and discuss some commonly asked questions. We will, for example, talk about practical aspects of the ethical review, GDPR, and how to share sensitive data.

Speaker: Markus Englund, and Erik Hedman Data Steward, NBIS. The event is moderated by Katarina Öjefors Stark, Data Steward.

During this session, we welcome Chris Erdmann, Head of Open Science at SciLifeLab. He will provide a background on Open Science, offering insights to navigate and comply with open science guidelines and policies. We will explore ways to seamlessly integrate open science into your workflows, discussing various tools and methodologies. He will also provide references to helpful resources that you can refer to following the session. Additionally, time will be dedicated to Q&A and discussion.

Speaker: Chris Erdmann, Head of Open Science, SciLifeLab Data Centre.

Watch the event on Youtube (coming soon)

Resources for Research Data Management

SciLifeLab Data Management Guidelines

Knowledge hub for the management of life science research data in Sweden.

SciLifelab Data management Guidelines

SciLifeLab Data Stewardship Wizard

a tool for creating Data Management Plans in life sciences.

Data Stewardship Wizard

SciLifeLab FAIR Storage

SciLifeLab FAIR storage

ELIXIR RDM-kit- the Research Data Management toolkit for Life Sciences


Contact us

Organisers: SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden

For more information or inquiries please contact:

Last updated: 2024-06-17

Content Responsible: Katarina Öjefors(