Digital image analysis for scientific applications – focus MAX IV, 5-8 ECTS credits

January 18, 2022 February 23, 2022


Online event via Zoom

Digital image analysis for scientific applications – focus MAX IV, 5-8 ECTS credits

January 18 @ 10:00 February 23 @ 16:00 CET

The course aims at giving doctoral students and researchers from different disciplines a sufficient understanding of digital image processing and analysis techniques to solve basic image analysis problems. The content of the course includes methods especially suitable for MAX IV data. The course will also offer an introduction to several freely available software tools (e.g. CellProfiler, ImageJ, and ilastik), preparing the participants to start using computerized image analysis in their research. By inviting researchers interested in using MAX IV and image analysis, and allowing them to work on data of similar type but produced elsewhere, the course has the added value of attracting more researchers to MAX IV and also increasing the awareness of future possibilities giving a head-start in defining and planning MAX IV projects. The basics of image analysis are general, but by designing examples and hands-on computer exercises based on published data from other world-leading X-ray facilities, we can prepare participants for the future. After the course, the participants will not only have a better understanding of the underlying theory and possibilities of image analysis but also be better at designing their experiments in the MAX IV environment.

Course Period

January-February 2022

Course information

Lectures and computer exercises will be given online in English on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, starting from January 18 to February 23 (weeks 3-8), from 10 am to 4 pm.
The course will be given remotely via Zoom and Studium

More information can be found here

ECTS credits

8 ECTS for the whole course (including a short project), 5 ECTS for a shorter version


Application from course participants should be sent to Damian Matuszewski,, not later than 15 December 2021.

Last updated: 2021-11-01

Content Responsible: Maria Bäckström(