FAIRPoints-Enhancing Sample Provenance and Experimental Reproducibility
Location: Online via Zoom
May 30 @ 16:00 – 17:00 CEST
See Event in your Time Zone
Speaker: Rory Macneil
Lack of reliable information about sample usage, location, provenance, metadata and experimental use is a core barrier to experimental reproducibility and general FAIRification of data. This presentation will describe how these issues are being addressed in the design and development of a sample management module within the RSpace electronic lab notebook, focusing on three specific challenges: (1) Incorporating sample data into experimental documentation; (2) Associating PIDS like IGSNs and RRIDS into sample metadata; and (3) Export of sample metadata in required formats to different domain repositories and databases.
FAIRPoints is an event series highlighting pragmatic measures developed by the community towards the implementation of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles, in collaboration with GoFAIR US, SDSC, AGU, and SciLifeLab Data Centre.
Speaker bio:
Rory Macneil is CEO of Research Space, which provides RSpace, an electronic lab notebook and research data management platform, and host of the FAIR Data Podcast. In these roles, and through participation in organizations and forums like the Research Data Alliance, numerous conferences and events, and conversations with researchers, research data managers, policy makers, funders, and tools developers, he enjoys exploring practical ways in which FAIRification of data can be advanced.
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