Start discovering with Xenium

May 11, 2023, 10:00 – 13:00


Ragnar Granit
Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9
Solna, 17165
+ Google Map

Start discovering with Xenium

May 11 @ 10:00 13:00 CEST

Introducing high-performance subcellular spatial profiling made easy with Xenium In Situ. The Xenium platform reveals new insights into cellular structure and function by performing high-throughput mapping of hundreds of RNA targets in their true tissue context. The platform includes a versatile and easy-to-use instrument, sensitive and specific chemistry, a diverse menu of customizable panels, and powerful visualization software.


10.00Welcome & ISS platform services, Katarina Tiklova , ISS SciLifeLab
10.15High-performance subcellular spatial profiling with Xenium In-Situ, Johanna Stergiadou, 10x genomics
11.15Xenium data showcase, Katarina Tiklova , ISS, SciLifeLab
11.30Q&A and concluding remarks
12.00Lunch & Mingle
Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9
Solna, 17165
+ Google Map

Last updated: 2023-05-02

Content Responsible: Isolde Palombo(