The Svedberg seminar series: Dr. Aviv Regev
September 13 @ 16:15 – 17:30 CEST
Genentech, USA
Host: Erik Sonnhammer , Stockholm University
Aviv Regev is a leader in deciphering molecular circuits that govern cells, tissues and organs in health and their malfunction in disease. Her lab has pioneered foundational experimental and computational methods in single-cell genomics, working toward greater understanding of the function of cells and tissues in health and disease, including autoimmune disease, inflammation and cancer
Cell atlases as roadmaps in health and disease
Cells are the basic unit of life, and form a key intermediate between genotype and phenotype, that is essential to explain how the gene variants that contribute to disease risk act. The recent advent of methods for high-throughput single-cell and spatial profiling has opened the way to create a human cells atlas: comprehensive reference maps of all human cells as a basis for both understanding human health and diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. From such maps we recovered rich aspects of biology, including cell types and states, differentiation and other temporal processes, gene programs, the physical location and interactions between cells, the underlying regulatory circuits, and even the possibility of predicting cell types and behaviors, towards a “periodic table of our cells”. These, in turn give us a new vocabulary for disease studies to determine the way in which cells do disease genes act, which cells are disrupted in disease, which programs change in them, what mechanisms underlie their (dis)regulation, how their cell-cell communications affected, and what would be the impact of therapies. In this talk, I will focus on how atlases help us to understand the relation between genotype to phenotype, especially in the context of human genetics and disease, from cells, to programs, to deciphering individual gene functions, using single cell genomics as a conceptual and technical framework, in complex disease, cancer, and COVID-19.
Read more about Prof. Regev´s research HERE