120 researchers attended 3-day SciLifeLab RCP symposium
To facilitate internationally competitive, cutting-edge collaborative research across Sweden, SciLifeLab supports seven Research Community Programs (RCPs) – networks that connect researchers with each other and with the SciLifeLab infrastructure. On August 26-28 a 3-day RCP symposium ‘The Dynamics of Life’ took place at Djurönäset (Stockholm) and more than 120 researchers from 13 institutions attended the event.
The symposium showcased cutting-edge research supported by SciLifeLab covering a range of topic areas, including gene expression, membrane proteins, bioenergetics and virus replication. The techniques driving life sciences were presented by keynote speakers from abroad, and corresponding SciLifeLab platforms: bioimaging, drug development and proteomics.
The symposium brought together researchers from all over Sweden, offering opportunities to present their science and further discuss with the units staff. Most of the talks were given by students and postdocs to help progress their scientific careers and develop useful skills. The interactions with the platforms were further facilitated during the evening poster sessions.