Brodin and Elsässer announced new Wallenberg Academy Fellows
SciLifeLab researchers Petter Brodin and Simon Elsässer (Karolinska Institutet) has, together with 27 other scientists, been announced new Wallenberg Academy Fellows. The five-year grant provides young researchers with the opportunity to make important scientific breakthroughs during the time frame.
Brodin (How does the environment influence infants’ immune systems?) and Elsässer (How are genetic switches inherited?) will become Wallenberg Academy Fellows in the Medicine and medical technology category.
“This is amazing news for me and my team! none of these fellows did this alone. It’s always a team effort and I am so grateful to work with a phenomenal group of people” writes Petter Brodin in a tweet.
“Deeply grateful for Knut och Alice Wallenberg foundation for their career program, Karolinska Institutet for support (Grants Office for training) and everyone in my lab working hard on preliminary data” writes Simon Elsässer.
The underlying intention of this investment is to strengthen Sweden as a research nation by retaining the greatest talent in the country, while also recruiting young international researchers to Sweden.
Read more on The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation web page.