Behind the scenes: Compute- and storage resources in data-driven life science
Last Friday, the SciLifeLab Data Centre, the SciLifeLab National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS), the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) and the National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University (NSC), presented an overview of the different Swedish Life science compute and data storage resources, as well as who to contact for support, feedback, and access.
The online event was highly successful, with 87 participants including national and international researchers, staff scientists, and DDLS Fellows. Attendees gained valuable insights into SciLifeLab resources (presented by Liane Hughes from Uppsala University), NAISS resources (presented by Johan Raber from Linköping University), NSC resources (presented by Xuan Gu from Linköping University), and NBIS/UPPMAX resources (presented by Marcus Lundberg from Uppsala University).
“The life science community in Sweden has a rich catalogue of well-supported compute- and storage services and resources available, from direct access to the infrastructure to refined services for hosting or research data management. But, there are several different providers, and it is not always easy for an end user to find out how to get access and where to go for help. Today’s event is one of the actions we service providers are now taking to improve the coordination and communication around national compute- and storage services”, says Johan Rung, Head of SciLifeLab Data Centre.
If you weren’t able to participate and want to learn more, you can see the presentations and watch a recording of the online event here.
To learn more about available resources see
Rung, Johan; Hughes, Liane; Raber, Johan; Gu, Xuan; Chaki, Soumi; Lundberg, Marcus; et al. (2023). Material related to the “Overview of compute and storage in data-driven life science” webinar Sept 8, 2023. SciLifeLab. Presentation.