Chemical and Genetic Screening in focus at Science Summit 2018
On April 25, SciLifeLab hosted our annual Science Summit in Aula Medica in Solna. This years headline was Chemical and Genetic Screening – Exploring the Future Frontiers of Human Health, which attracted an audience of 300 people.
In addition to the program, featuring both national and international speakers in the field, visitors could also deepen their knowledge in chemical and genetic and screening at the poster exhibition. Four selected posters were also given the opportunity to present their work in Flash-Talks on stage in the auditorium. One poster: Identification of novel genes influencing cardiometabolic risk factors from GWAS-identified loci for triglyceride levels using a high-throughput zebrafish screen, by Benedict von der Heyde, was selected winner of the Science Summit Poster Award and was awarded a 5 000 SEK in Travel Grant.
Some of the Infrastructure Units at SciLifeLab also presented their activities in the Unit Corner outside the lecture hall where there was also a company exhibition. A novelty at this years conference was a photo exhibition called Life as a researcher. Researchers were encouraged to send in their photos, taken by themselves or a colleague, to show what life as a researcher looks like. The photos where shown in a slideshow in the mingle area at the event.
The final point of the program was a panel discussion involving the audience through a Mentimeter voting. After closing the program the participants had the opportunity to meet the speakers and mingle at the restaurant Nanna Swartz.