Nomination for DDLS steering group open!
Are you, or someone you know, the right fit for our new Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) steering group? Welcome to submit your candidate nomination!
At the SciLifeLab Board meeting on October 26, 2020, the decision was taken to approve that SciLifeLab will take on the responsibility for coordinating the Data-driven Life Science program with the associated funding by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Professor Olli Kallioniemi was appointed Director for the program for the upcoming three years and a steering group for the program will be put in place.
We are now looking for renowned scientists within data-driven research to join as steering group members as we embark on this game-changing journey. The function of the DDLS steering group is to prepare and execute decisions by the SciLifeLab Board. Together with the program Director, the members will be responsible for managing the program and are expected to take an active role in establishing and maintaining DDLS as a truly national program at the highest international and scientific level.
We may later also form working- and reference groups for various DDLS activities, and will therefore make use of suggestions for nominations for these purposes as well. Send in your nomination on November 17 at the latest. A decision regarding the steering group members will be taken by the SciLifeLab Board at the end of November.