Steering Group in place for national Data-Driven Life Science program

Steering Group in place for national Data-Driven Life Science program

Since the SEK 3.1 billion funding announcement by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation on October 20, SciLifeLab has worked intensely to liaise with key collaborators and outline the steering model for the new 12-year national program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS). Based on submitted proposals in an open nomination round, the SciLifeLab Board has now elected ten DDLS Steering Group members for three-year appointments.

“The Steering Group is key for this program to be successful and to facilitate the shift towards data-driven life science on a national level”, says Olli Kallioniemi, Director of DDLS and SciLifeLab. “As the program covers four different areas, the members represent a group with expertise in diverse areas of life science and computational approaches. I look forward to embarking on this journey together with the appointed members, as well as the different working groups that will be formed. We also plan to set up a reference group, which has representation from all organizations participating in this program”

Elected DDLS Steering Group members

Oliver Billker
Professor at Umeå University, Director MIMS

Niklas Blomberg
Director ELIXIR

Matts Karlsson
Professor at Linköping University, Director NSC super-computer and HPC resource

Erik Kristiansson
Professor Chalmers/University of Gothenburg

Janne Lehtiö
Professor at Karolinska Institutet

Erik Lindahl
Professor at Stockholm University

Emma Lundberg
Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Fredrik Ronquist
Professor at Museum of Natural History

Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson
Professor at Lund University/WCMM, Chair of National SciLifeLab Committtee

Carolina Wählby
Professor at Uppsala University

The DDLS Director and a representative from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation will also be participating in the DDLS Steering Group.


Last updated: 2021-05-17

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(