Exploring advanced research: Valsätraskolan’s year 9 students visit SciLifeLab at Uppsala University
SciLifeLab in Uppsala welcomed curious students from Year 9 at Valsätraskolan. All students have chosen the Science Program for their high school studies. Treated to glimpses of exciting research happening at Uppsala University. The students were attentive and inquisitive.
Naturvetarmästarna is a competition in natural sciences open to schools from Uppsala and its surrounding areas. Each school can participate with a team from Year 9 consisting of four students. All in all, the competition comprises both theoretical components and laboratory experiments tailored to the primary school level, organized by teachers at Rosendalsgymnasiet. In December 2023, 18 teams, totaling 72 students, took part. The victors were Valsätraskolan. Their first prize, was a study visit to SciLifeLab, which took place on March 25th.
During the visit, Alice Sollazzo provided insights into SciLifeLab. While Eva Berglund discussed Precision Medicine and the importance of tailored treatments for individuals. Finally, Mathias Hallberg, professor in addiction research and also the dean of the pharmaceutical faculty, spoke about Drugs and the brain’s reward system.

After refreshments, Christian Benedict, researcher and lecturer at the pharmaceutical faculty at Uppsala University, dedicated to sleep research. Shared his expertise on the importance of sleep.
Followed by Marie Allen, professor of forensic genetics at the medical faculty and program director for the master’s program in forensic science. Marie showcased her research focused on developing new methods for sensitive DNA analysis.
Thanks to all the students and teachers from Valsätraskolan for their visit!