Report on IAB evaluation of SciLifeLab available

The concluding report from the evaluation of SciLifeLab by the International Advisory Board (IAB) is now available (see below). It serves as a summary of the strategic evaluation performed by the IAB in March 2017 and provides feedback on several aspects of SciLifeLab operations to strengthen the development of the center.

“The Science for Life Laboratory is fortunate to have on its International Advisory Board a number of excellent scientists with a vast experience of research and research administration”, says Carl-Henrik Heldin, Chairman of the SciLifeLab Board. “We are very grateful for the thorough evaluation of SciLifeLab that the IAB performed in March 2017 and for the constructive recommendations we have obtained. We will now carefully analyze the recommendations and use them to further improve the function of SciLifeLab.”

As SciLifeLab is a collaborative center, the IAB report is highly relevant also for the leadership of its four host universities.

“The universities find the IAB-report to contain many useful recommendations that can be acted upon”, says Sigbritt Karlsson, Vice-Chancellor of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. “The rectors of the hosting universities are looking forward to discussions with the SciLifeLab Board and Management Group how to use the advice given by the IAB to develop the organization and activities of SciLifeLab further.”

The SciLifeLab Board will discuss a list of action items arising from this report in its upcoming meeting in November.

Read the complete SciLifeLab-IAB report 2017


Last updated: 2017-10-16

Content Responsible: Scilifelab Administration()