Inspiration day for teachers in collaboration with The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
May 13 SciLifeLab hosted an inspiration day for teachers in collaboration with The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) on the topic Challenges and possibilities in medical research.
Lectures were given by Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Åsa Melhus, Adam Ameur, Eva Molin, Ulf Gyllensten and Marie Allen. All lectures were very much appreciated by the approximately 20 participating teachers. Additionally, and very gratifying, the lectures were filmed by UR (Utbildningsradion) and will be shown in Kunskapskanalen and/or UR Play, which will widen the distribution of the lectures.
The goal for these days is to inspire teachers by presenting up-to-date research findings in nature science and mathematics. The event is open for teachers from all over Sweden, free of charge and funded by KVA and Skolverket.