New platform structure and units
Following the evaluation of the SciLifeLab infrastructure in 2016, the SciLifeLab Board decided on the budget for the units for 2017-2018. In addition, the platform structure of the center has been reorganized as shown at Technologies & Services.
“The reorganization is in line with the SciLifeLab mission to provide front line technologies for the benefit of the Swedish research society.” Said Annika Jenmalm Jensen, Interim Director of Infrastructure at SciLifeLab. “To live up to this we need to regularly evaluate the infrastructure and we are planning on having international evaluations every 4-years when also new technologies will be brought in.”
Five new units starting….
Five new national units, which applied as candidate units in 2016, will be starting their operations within SciLifeLab officially in July 2017:
- BioImage Informatics
- Genome Engineering Zebrafish
- Ancient DNA
- Chemical Proteomics & Proteogenomics
- High Throughput Genome Engineering
Nine of the center units also have new names from January 2017:
- High-Content Microscopy (previously called Cell Profiling)
- Plasma Profiling (previously called Biobank Profiling)
- Autoimmunity Profiling (previously called Protein and Peptide Arrays)
- Clinical Genomics Stockholm (previously called Clinical Genomics)
- Clinical Genomics Lund (previously called Translational Clinical Genomics)
- Clinical Genomics Uppsala (previously called Clinical Sequencing)
- Clinical Genomics Göteborg (previously called Integrative Clinical Genomics)
- NGI Stockholm (previously called NGI Stockholm, Applicantions and NGI Stockholm, Production)
- NGI Uppsala (previously called NGI Uppsala, SNP&SEQ Technology Platform and NGI Uppsala, Uppsala Genome Center) – this will be updated under “Tehcnologies & services” soon
…and five moving out
Following the board decision, four units (Karolinska High Throughput Center, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Tissue Profiling and Tissue Profiling) will be phased out. Uppsala Drug Optimization and Pharmaceutical Profiling unit is merged with the ADME (Absorption Distribution, Metabolism Excretion) of Therapeutics unit.
Since the start of 2017 SciLifeLab also no longer support the former Regional Units of National Interest. All units within the center are now national.