New Site director in Uppsala
September 16, a new Site director was appointed by Eva Åkesson, Vice-chancellor at Uppsala University.
Johan Elf has been appointed Site director at the Uppsala node until June 30, 2016. He is part of the national management group, together with the Director, Co-director, Site director in Stockholm, and the Platform director. He replaces Lena Claesson-Welsh, who has been appointed acting Co-director.
The role as Site director is both to partake in the national steering of the center, and to develop the Uppsala node further.
“SciLifeLab should enable more exciting research in Sweden, and support the recruitment of excellent new scientists. I look forward to being part of this effort,” said Johan Elf.
Johan Elf has been active at SciLifeLab for a long time. He was involved in the initial Strategic Research Areas application for SciLifeLab in Uppsala, 2009. He has also been part of the SciLifeLab management, 2012-2013, first at the Uppsala management, and then nationally after the fusion of the Uppsala and Stockholm organizations.
Read more about the SciLifeLab management and organization
Read more about Johan Elf’s research