New version of the Human Protein Atlas released
The Human Protein Atlas consortium has launched version 15 of the database including extensive transcriptomics data. For the first time, the database has also been compared with data generated at Broad Institute.
The Human Protein Atlas is a multinational research project led by Mathias Uhlén, KTH Royal Institute of Technology/SciLifeLab. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and includes proteome analysis based on more than 25 000 antibodies targeting more than 17 000 unique proteins, combined with transcriptome analysis covering all 20 000 human protein coding genes.

The latest version of the database includes a new display view to allow comparisons of human tissue profiles on both the RNA and protein level. The launch is accompanied with an article in Molecular Systems Biology describing transcriptome resources with a focus on the comparison between the datasets generated from the Broad Institute, Boston, US (GTEx) and the Human Protein Atlas consortium at SciLifeLab.
”The inclusion of the GTEx dataset to the Human Protein Atlas database makes it even more comprehensive and it is reassuring that there is a significant overlap in the tissue classification of the genes based on the two independent datasets.” says Mathias Uhlén.