Nominate your favorite speaker!
The two SciLifeLab Seminar Series (The Svedberg Seminar seminars in Uppsala and Science for Life seminars -Campus Solna in Stockholm) are now open for nominations.
With the SciLifeLab seminar series you can now nominate a great speaker, a potential collaborator or superstar in your field to give a lecture during spring 2024– SciLifeLab will support travel and accommodation for national and international leading scientists in the field of bioscience.
You can nominate speakers for one of the seminar series or both of them. The nominations will be evaluated by a committee that will select leading scientists that are making a major impact in the field of biosciences to come to present their ongoing research in Uppsala and at Campus Solna, Stockholm.
The committee strives to obtain fair gender balance and inclusiveness between the speakers of the seminar series, and encourage nomination of excellent speakers in the field of bioscience regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality and the like.
We warmly welcome your nominations until November 17 via this link