Petter Brodin new member of the Young Academy of Sweden
Eight prominent scientists have been elected new members of the Young Academy of Sweden. One of them is Petter Brodin, associate Professor and Platform Scientific Director of the SciLifeLab Mass Cytometry unit.
”I am honored by this recognition of the work me and my team has been doing, and I aim to use this platform to work for better conditions for my fellow physician/scientists in Sweden”, says Petter Brodin.
Petter (KI) was elected together with Frida Bender (SU), Ronnie Berntsson (UmU), Anna T. Danielsson (UU), Ewa Machotka (SU), Johan Rockberg (KTH), Ylva Söderfeldt (UU) and Christian Ohm (KTH)
“The selection of new members is one of the most important and fun tasks we have. The members themselves are the academy and we put a lot of consideration and effort in the process”, says Magnus Jonsson, associate Professor in organic electronics at Linköping University and elected new chair, in a press release.
The Young Academy of Sweden is a transdisciplinary academy for a selection of the most prominent, younger researchers in Sweden. Its operations rest firmly on three pillars: transdisciplinarity, science policy and outreach. The Academy is an independent platform that provides younger researchers with a strong voice in the science policy debate and that promotes science and research to young adults and children. In the Academy young researchers meet across institutional and disciplinary borders to discuss research and research related topics. The Young Academy of Sweden was formed at the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and has about 35 members.
Photo: Frida Hansson