PhenoMeNal: a gateway to personalised medicine
The EU-funded project PhenoMeNal is launched today. It is led by EMBL-EBI with the purpose of creating a secure, on-demand e-infrastructure for clinical metabolomics data.
Today marks the launch of PhenoMeNal, a project to create an e-infrastructure to analyse metabolomic data from clinical and population studies. An international endeavour led by EMBL-EBI, PhenoMeNal is funded with €8 million from the EU’s Horizon2020 Programme to bring state-of-the art methods for understanding the molecular drivers of health, healthy ageing and disease into the clinic.
Ola Spjuth, SciLifeLab/Uppsala University, leads Work Package 4: “Maintenance and Operation of PhenoMeNal e-Infrastructure”.
Read the full news article at Uppsala University