Scientists discuss functional precision cancer medicine at SciLifeLab
At may 10, SciLifeLab hosted a mini-symposium in its units in Solna aiming to bring together scientists interested in the field of functional precision cancer medicine.
Functional precision cancer medicine combines the objective of matching the right drugs to the right patients in precision medicine with a broadened toolkit of functional information.
“This mini-symposium provides an opportunity to learn about functional precision cancer medicine with a specific focus on high throughput imaging approaches, image analysis, machine learning and complex disease models”, says Päivi Östling, SciLifeLab, one of the main organizers.
Among the speakers at the symposium were Berend Snijder from the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, Zürich, who gave a talk titled Functional precision medicine by high-throughput microscopy, multi-OMICs, and deep learning.
Other speakers were Joan Montero, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona; Sven Nelander, Uppsala University; Valentina Carannante, SciLifeLab/KTH, Stockholm; Davide Danovi, King’s College London; Päivi Östling, SciLifeLab/Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.