SciLifeLab chairman Carl-Henrik Heldin appointed chair of ERC Committee
Six international top-level scientists have been invited by Mariya Gabriel, the European commissionaire for innovation, science, culture, education, and youth; to form the committee of chairmen that will appoint board members to the ERC scientific council.
Carl-Henrik Heldin is one of six individuals that has been elected and will be chair of the Identification Committee for ERC Council Members. He is chairman at SciLifeLab and a senior professor at the department of medical biochemistry and microbiology, biochemistry, and cell- and tumor biology at Uppsala University and chairman of the board at the Nobel Foundation.
”ERC is of crucial importance for the funding of frontier European research across all fields. Of importance for its success, is that ERC is led by a council of active prominent scientists. It will be an honor to chair the committee that proposes members for this Council”, says Carl-Henrik.
Carl-Henrik Heldin is one of the founding members of the ERC Council and served as Vice President responsible for Life Science between 2011 and 2014.
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