erdinc sezgin


SciLifeLab Fellow Erdinc Sezgin awarded the HFSP research grant

The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) recently announced their 2022 HFSP research grant awardees, who will share a sum of 37 million USD over the coming three years. SciLifeLab Fellow Erdinc Sezgin’s (Karolinska Institutet) application, which was sent in collaboration with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the University of Warwick, was among the top 5 percent that will receive funding.

The grant is awarded for a broad range of projects following the theme “Complex mechanisms of living organisms”, and appeals to the innovative and creative potential of the research teams. The program “enables true global collaboration among international teams of scientists with laboratories in different countries”.

This year, 32 research teams were selected after a rigorous year-long selection process, in which 716 letters of intent from 50 different countries competed for the prestigious grants.

Erdinc and his colleagues from Caltech and the University of Warwick will be studying the relationship between electrical signaling, force generation and signaling in neurons. Together they will leverage their combined expertise and knowledge about different methodologies, spanning from single molecule imaging to animal models, to addressing whether long-known action potential in neurons can be coupled to mechano-chemical signaling.

“This project aims at changing a paradigm in neural signalling and can be done only when we join forces with collaborators. HFSP is a unique scheme supporting such high risk/high gain collaborative projects and we are extremely pleased to have been funded with an HFSP grant. Exciting science ahead!”, says Erdinc Sezgin.

Read the press release from HFSPO

Photo: Erdinc Sezgin


Last updated: 2022-03-28

Content Responsible: Johan Inganni(