SciLifeLab Planetary Biology Capability Survey
The Planetary Biology Capability Survey was launched in June 2023 and aimed to identify the technology-related needs of the Planetary Biology community in Sweden. This involves pinpointing obstacles hindering the use of existing SciLifeLab platforms, areas where enhancements could boost the Planetary Biology community’s access to these platforms, or the need for the creation of new tools, protocols, or services to be offered by SciLifeLab.
The results collected provide valuable insights to generate a proposal about the Development of analytical methods for non-model organisms that was submitted to the SciLifeLab Technology survey 2023.
The survey was re-opened during September and October and presented during SciLifeLab days in Umeå, Lund and Linköping.
A total of 79 individuals participated in the survey, representing 13 affiliations. The gathered information allowed for the identification of platforms most used among Planetary Biology researchers (NGI and NBIS), and the ones to be highly used if technical/practical barriers are solved (NGI, NBIS, and Spatial Transcriptomics). Barriers encountered by researchers included a lack of technical expertise/protocols/standards for specific samples, cost, long delivery times, and lack of specific methodology.
The informational report is in preparation and it will be used as a guide to starting the dialogue with SciLifeLab platforms aiming to discuss potential changes and developments to fulfill the needs of users working on Planetary Biology-related topics.

Timeline for the actions related to the Planetary Biology Survey