SciLifeLab researcher Erik Lindahl is awarded the Wallmark prize of the Swedish Academy of Science
On April 13 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award seven researchers for their work in physics, chemistry, medicine and economic sciences, as well as for efforts that have promoted Swedish research.
SciLifeLab researcher Erik Lindahl (Stockholm University) will be awarded The Wallmark Prize 2021, for his “outstanding computational chemistry efforts in molecular dynamics and the reconstruction of biomolecular structures”, and will also be receiving a sum of SEK 110,000.
“I feel happy and humble. It is enormously rewarding when the research we carry out is beneficial to others, and of course a little extra special when it is noticed by KVA, but it is important to remember that the ideas and work do not come from one person, but all the enormously skilled PhD-students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers I have had the privilege to work with at SciLifeLab.”
Photo: Adam af Ekenstam, Stockholm University