SciLifeLab researchers explore environmental pollution and associated health risks in Bangladesh
The Swedish Research Council (VR), Sida, Formas and Forte have recently awarded funding for research on environmental pollution and associated health risks in Bangladesh. Oskar Karlsson and Jonathan Martin (Stockholm University/SciLifelab) were granted 5.6 million SEK to explore these issues.
“The overall goal of our project is to screen, identify and determine levels of organic environmental contaminants in water, food and human blood using non-target mass spectrometry, and to initiate an epidemiological study to investigate associated health risks in Bangladesh”, says Oskar Karlsson.
Surface water and groundwater are contaminated by for example waste from industries and agriculture. Bangladesh and its vast fisheries is particularly vulnerable to pollution, since it is situated on the world’s largest river delta and connected to several river systems, such as the Ganges. By investigating links between chemicals in water, food and health, the researchers hope to contribute to enforcement or changes to existing environmental regulations.
“We also aim to communicate results in an effort to influence global and national industries to increase their sustainability commitments and minimize environmental pollution in Bangladesh and other developing countries”, Jonathan Martin adds.
For more information, read the news article at the Stockholm University website and the information about the grant at the Swedish Research Council.