SciLifeLab Uppsala appoints new integration director

Eva Tiensuu Janson, Professor at the Department of Medical Sciences, Oncological Endocrinology, has recently been appointed integration director for SciLifeLab Uppsala. 

“It is exciting to get into this new role. I have previously in my role as dean of the Faculty of Medicine, sat in our local steering group as a member, but now I get the opportunity to lead this group and collaborate with similar people at the other three host universities”, she says in a press release from Uppsala University.

There are four integration directors in total, one for each SciLifeLab host university, working on  integrating the host universities’ handling of SciLifeLab issues – within, as well as between the universities.

“All four host universities have an integration director and in Uppsala I will be chairperson of our local steering group and also collaborate with the other Infrastructure and Scientific Directors in overall issues regarding SciLifeLab”, she says.

She believes that she will spend a lesser part of her working time, perhaps between 5-10 percent, on this assignment.

“Right now there is a discussion about the next step for SciLifeLab, we are with excitement awaiting the research bill to see how we can continue to manage this important research infrastructure. We are also thinking a lot about how we in Uppsala will work with the new investment in Data Driven Life Sciences, which was announced a couple of weeks ago. Here, SciLifelab will play a major role, and we are preparing for the start in 2021.”

“For me, it is important that we continue to have good cooperation both within Uppsala University and in collaboration with Stockholm University, so that SciLifeLab can continue to be a strong national infrastructure in the future”, she concludes.

Read the Uppsala University press release here (in Swedish)


Last updated: 2020-11-26

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(