Selected SciLifeLab sequencing services free-of-charge through EU-funding
On February 1st, the European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics (EASI-Genomics) initiative was launched to provide free-of-charge transnational access to advanced sequencing technologies. From SciLifeLab, the National Genomics Infrastructure (KTH Royal Institute of Technology/Uppsala University) and in situ sequencing (Stockholm University) services have joined the effort.
The first call for proposals, closing on April 25, focuses on sequencing of ancient DNA from archaeological samples, analysis of microbiomes that study the diversity and particularities of populations of microorganisms related to diseases, the study of genetic material at single cell level, and epigenetic modifications of genetic material and its organisation in human diseases.
The additional aim of EASI-Genomics is to form a community of practice which leverages advanced sequencing technologies beyond country and sector borders to tackle global challenges in science.
EASI-Genomics is funded with 10 million € from the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 budget, and joins 16 academic and industrial partners to support diverse genomics projects. Ivo Gut from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CNAG-CRG) coordinates the project.
Read more about the current call and the EASI-Genomics project