Starting round two of joint Master’s programme

This week SciLifeLab welcomes new students to the Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science. It is a unique collaboration between the three Stockholm universities; Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, and is to a large extent given in the environment of SciLifeLab.

Master students 2016_webb2
The Master Students 2016 represents around 10 different nationalities.

The Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science is a two-year programme leading to a joint degree from all three universities. The first students started in autumn 2015 and this year no more than 22 students representing over 10 countries have been registered.

“We are very pleased that the number of applicants with relevant background has risen.” Says Programme Director Olof Emanuelsson. “It has drastically improved our possibilities to increase the number of admitted students. A lot of people have worked hard at many fronts to secure the recruitment. Now that the students are here we hope to involve the SciLifeLab faculty even more in the program through project works, courses and summer projects.”

More information about the programme

Blog by one of the students


Last updated: 2016-09-01

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