Swedish EATRIS-ERIC node collaborates with SciLifeLab for enhanced collaboration in translational medicine

Earlier this year, the national coordination of the Swedish EATRIS node transitioned to a close collaboration with SciLifeLab. Sweden has been a full member of the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS-ERIC) since 2018, with ten Swedish universities associated with the European infrastructure organization. This new node concept is meant to increase visibility throughout Sweden and facilitate both national and international collaboration in translational medicine.

EATRIS-ERIC (European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine) is a European research infrastructure consisting of research institutes and universities across Europe committed to accelerating the development of new treatments for patients. EATRIS provides cutting-edge technologies and expertise in translational research, facilitating the transition of scientific discoveries into tangible benefits for society.

Starting in 2024, the EATRIS-ERIC Swedish node is becoming closely associated with SciLifeLab. This new node concept will allow the EATRIS Swedish node to increase visibility throughout Sweden and provide a platform for SciLifeLab in the European arena. Uppsala University currently hosts the Swedish EATRIS node, with support from Vinnova.

“Vinnova believes that a close collaboration between SciLifeLab and the Swedish EATRIS node can strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness in translational medicine through increased opportunities for collaboration both nationally and internationally. A clear goal with EATRIS-ERIC is to act as a bridge between academia, industry, and healthcare, which is in line with Vinnova’s mission to make research infrastructure available for industry,” says Katrin Brandt, Program Manager at Vinnova.

SciLifeLab Infrastructure Director Annika Jenmalm Jensen, together with Katrin Brandt, is since 2024 members of the EATRIS-ERIC Board of Governors which is the governance body of EATRIS-ERIC with full decision-making. The Board of Governors (BoG) typically approves budget and yearly operational plans, or approves new countries as members of the EATRIS Research Infrastructure.

Pontus Aspenström and Ulrika Bäckman will continue in their roles as National Director and Coordinator under the SciLifeLab umbrella.

“We believe this is a winning concept for both parties. Together we can contribute to making the Swedish community a more dynamic and active member of EATRIS-ERIC,” says National Director Pontus Aspenström. This is echoed by National Coordinator Ulrika Bäckman: “It is a great opportunity to make the national community aware of the opportunities provided by EATRIS-ERIC and also be able to spread the competencies that exist within SciLifeLab at the European level.”

While some SciLifeLab-affiliated infrastructure is already connected to EATRIS-ERIC, SciLifeLab recently applied for a full membership.


Last updated: 2024-02-07

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(