Two platforms renamed

Following a decision from the board, two SciLifeLab platforms now have new names:

NBIS provides custom-tailored support beyond the predefined analyses typically offered by the data-generating platforms at SciLifeLab. The NBIS platform also provides computing and storage resources for large-scale biological data in collaboration with the SNIC supercomputer centres.

“We now have all types of bioinformatics support in one organisation and the new name reflects this. The name is also analogous to that of other national infrastructures in related fields.” Said Bengt Persson, Platform Director of NBIS.


Unique possibilities for population-based studies

The overarching aim of NGD is to operate as a key infrastructure within SciLifeLab for the translation of new high-throughput techniques, including next-generation sequencing, multiplex protein analysis and other innovative techniques, into clinical utility. By covering large parts of Swedish health-care, the platform has unique possibilities to carry out population-based studies using high-throughput technologies.

“The new name marks our ambition to continuously strive for new diagnostic areas and application of the latest technologies.” Said Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Platform Director of NGD.



Last updated: 2016-06-27

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