Visit from Belgian VIB – sharing best practices

On January 18 and 19, a delegation from the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), visited SciLifeLab for an exchange dialogue and discussions with SciLifeLab management on joint opportunities and challenges with a focus on research infrastructure.

Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB) is a research institute located in Flanders, Belgium which has the dual mission to excel in fundamental research as a basis for validation towards entrepreneurial activities. As such, VIB acts as a catalyst for life sciences and economic growth in Flanders. The aim of the VIB visit to SciLifeLab was to discuss the research infrastructure programs, share best practices, and learn from each other.

“To keep a national research infrastructure relevant and up to date is challenging and a moving target. In this work, it is very valuable to get input from other actors who, like VIB, successfully maintain a strong research infrastructure”, says Olli Kallioniemi, Director SciLifeLab.

“I’m a big fan of pan-European collaborations and believe that is a useful tool to stay at the top of providing research infrastructure. To prepare for the future, we all must cope with the same challenges and can help each other; for instance, on how strategic framework contracts are best set up; how to prepare offering the latest technologies; how to share knowledge of upcoming devices and research infrastructure machine parks. We have a lot to gain from sharing insights and best practices on the technical, organizational, and strategic level. Together we have the mission to steer forward the enabling role of research infrastructures in modern life sciences”, says Geert Van Minnebruggen, Technology Director at VIB.

During the two-day stay, the VIB delegation visited the SciLifeLab platforms for Cellular Molecular and Imaging, Drug Discovery and Development and Spatial Biology, as well as the Chemical Biology and Genome Engineering platform.

“The input and discussions we have had with VIB during these two days have been extremely valuable both for SciLifeLab’s infrastructure but also for SciLifeLab as a whole. VIB and SciLifeLab have many things in common, and we share similar challenges but also great opportunities”, says Annika Jenmalm Jensen, Infrastructure Director, SciLifeLab.


Last updated: 2023-01-25

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(