Research Interest
My research interest concerns technical development and application of fluorescence super-resolution imaging with a focus on precision medicine. Since 2015 the drive has been to optically image kidney morphology across scales, allowing for improved evaluation and understanding of renal pathophysiology. The long term goal is to enhance clinical diagnostic support and possible treatment strategies. In 2023 our group founded a spin-off company helping pharmaceutical kidney drug development by 3D nanoscale precision pathology (
Project members & collaborators
- David Unnersjö-Jess (KTH/University of Cologne) – Postdoc
- Robin Ebbestad (KI/DS) – Clinical PhD-student
- Annika Östman Wernerson (KI) – National renal expert
- Hannes Olauson (KI/KS) – National renal expert
- Sigrid Lundberg (DS/KI ) – National renal expert
- Thomas Benzig (NephroLab Cologne, Germany) – International renal expert
- Jan Schmidt-Mende, Expert clinical pathology