Jonathan Martin

Platform Scientific Director: Metabolomics, Stockholm University

Key publications

Xie H, Sdougkou K, Bonnefille B, Papazian S, Bergdahl IA, Rantakokko P, Martin JW. 2024. Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma by Lipid Removal and Large Volume Injection Gas Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology. 58: 17592–17605.

Bonnefille B, Karlsson O, Rian MB, Raqib R, Parvez F, Papazian S, Islam MS, Martin JW. 2023. Nontarget Analysis of Polluted Surface Waters in Bangladesh Using Open Science Workflows. Environmental Science & Technology. 57: 6808.

Papazian S, Fornaroli C, Bonnefille B, Pesquet E, Xie H, Martin JW. 2023. Silicone Foam for Passive Sampling and Nontarget Analysis of Air. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 10: 989.

Sdougkou K, Papazian S, Bonnefille B, Xie H, Edfors F, Fagerberg L, Uhlén M, Bergström G, Martin LJ, Martin JW. 2024. Longitudinal Exposomics in a Multiomic Wellness Cohort Reveals Distinctive and Dynamic Environmental Chemical Mixtures in Blood. Environmental Science & Technology. 58: 16302–16315.

Sdougkou K, Xie H, Papazian S, Bonnefille B, Bergdahl IA, Martin JW. 2023. Phospholipid Removal for Enhanced Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma. Environmental Science & Technology. 57: 10173.

Peets P, Wang W-C, MacLeod M, Breitholtz M, Martin JW, Kruve A. 2022. MS2Tox Machine Learning Tool for Predicting the Ecotoxicity of Unidentified Chemicals in Water by Nontarget LC-HRMS. Environmental Science & Technology. 56: 15508.

Jonathan Martin

Professor, Stockholm University

Research Interests and Activities

My research program focuses on the chemical exposome and on the development of methods to measure it. We call the application of these methods chemical exposomics, and our work combines elements of analytical chemistry and informatics to understand the complex mixture of contaminants in our bodies or in the environment. Through toxicology, bioinformatics and epidemiological studies we furthermore aim to understand the impacts that these exposures can have on health.

Since 2018, my Stockholm University research group has worked primarily at Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) where we have ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometers and specialized clean labs to characterize complex mixtures of chemicals in air, water, and human biofluids. Our target and nontarget chemical exposomics methods are now offered as a service to Swedish and international researchers through the National Facility for Exposomics. The surrounding research environment at SciLifeLab specializes in genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, functional biology, bioimaging, and biostatistics, creating great possibilities to investigate our questions using best-available biomolecular technologies and integrative methods.

Brief Biography

I’m a Canadian Swede, currently living in Stockholm Sweden. Born and raised in Guelph (Ontario, Canada), I completed my doctoral degree in Toxicology at University of Guelph in 2002. I trained in Environmental Chemistry at University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow in 2003, and was granted an NSERC fellowship to extend my fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2004, also at University of Toronto. I then moved to Edmonton where I worked as a Professor at the University of Alberta from 2004-2016, and was fortunate to be elected a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. After many trips to Sweden for research collaborations and a sabbatical, I made the permanent move to Stockholm University in 2017. My career publications are most easily accessible on Google Scholar.

Current Positions

Professor, Stockholm University, Department of Environmental Science (ACES)

Unit Head, Exposure and Effects Unit (ACESx)

Scientific Director, National Facility for Exposomics, Metabolomics Platform, SciLifeLab

Associate Editor, Environmental Science & Technology Letters (2021 IF 11.6)

Colleagues at the National Facility for Exposomics

Dr. Stefano Papazian (Head of Unit)
Dr. Bénilde Bonnefille (Lab Manager)
Ioannis Athanassiadis (Research Engineer)

Group members

Adrià Sunyer Caldú, Researcher
Hongyu Xie, PhD student
May Britt Rian, PhD student
Solveig Thiele, PhD student
Mai Anh Nguyen, PhD student
Andrew Tromans, Research Engineer


Last updated: 2025-02-04

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