Lene Uhrbom

Key publications

Jiang Y, Marinescu VD, Xie Y, Jarvius M, Haglund C, Maturi, NP, Olofsson S, Lindberg N, Olofsson T, Leijonmarck C, Hesselager G, Alafuzoff I, Fryknäs M, Larsson R, Nelander S, and Uhrbom L. Glioblastoma cell malignancy and drug sensititvity are affected by the cell of origin. Cell Reports, in press. 2017

Sreedharan S, Maturi NP, Xie Y, Sundström A, Jarvius M, Libard S, Alafuzoff I, Weishaupt H, Fryknäs M, Larsson R, Swartling FJ and Uhrbom L. Mouse models of pediatric supratentorial high-grade glioma reveal how cell of origin influences tumor development and phenotype. Cancer Research. November 15, 2016. DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-2482 [Epub ahead of print]

Xie Y, Bergström T, Jiang Y, Johansson P, Marinescu VD, Lindberg N, Segerman A, Wicher G, Niklasson M, Baskaran S, Sreedharan S, Everlien I, Kastemar M, Hermansson A, Elfineh L, Libard S, Holland EC, Hesselager G, Alafuzoff I, Westermark B, Nelander S, Forsberg-Nilsson K, and Uhrbom L. The human glioblastoma cell culture resource: validated cell models representing all molecular subtypes. EbioMedicine. 2015 2 1351-1363

Lindberg N, Jiang Y, Xie Y, Bolouri H, Kastemar M, Olofsson T, Holland EC, and Uhrbom L. Oncogenic signaling is dominant to cell of origin and dictates astrocytic or oligodendroglial tumor development from oligodendrocyte precursor cells. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014 Oct 29;34(44):14644-51

Lindberg N, Kastemar M, Olofsson T, Smits A, and Uhrbom L. Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells can act as cell of origin for experimental glioma. Oncogene. 2009 Jun 11;28(23):2266-2275. Epub 2009 Apr 27

Research interests

We study the underpinings of glioma development and glioma treatment resistance with focus on the cell of origin and cancer stem cells. The aim is to uncover novel pathways and targets to which drugs can be identified or developed. We use a number of validated mouse models in which the cell of origin can be defined, and a large repository of patient-derived human glioblastoma cell cultures (HGCC) established under stem cell conditions. By cross-species bioinformatics analyses we compare gene expression data from mouse and human glioma to identify candidate glioma genes that are further analysed for their relevance as functional biomarkers. Our long-term goal is to provide a better patient stratification and more efficient treatment strategies for each group of patients.

Group members

Ida Gustavsson, M.Sc., Research assistant
Prathyusha Maturi, M.Sc., PhD student
Anders Sundström, M.Sc., Research engineer
Yuan Xie, PhD, postdoc



Last updated: 2022-11-30

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