Rikard Landberg

Platform Co-Director – Metabolomics, Chalmers University of Technology

Key publications

Skantze, V., Hjorth, T., Wallman, M., Brunius, C., Dicksved, J., Pelve, E.A., Esberg, A., Vitale, M., Giacco, R., Costabile, G., Bergia, R.E., Jirstrand, M., Campbell, W.W., Riccardi, G., Landberg, R.
Differential Responders to a Mixed Meal Tolerance Test Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors and Gut Microbiota—Data from the MEDGI-Carb Randomized Controlled Trial (2023)
Nutrients, 15 (20), art. no. 4369.

Nordin E, Hellström PM, Vuong E, Ribbenstedt A, Brunius C, Landberg R.
IBS randomized study: FODMAPs alter bile acids, phenolic- and tryptophan metabolites, while gluten modifies lipids. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2023
Sep 1;325(3):R248-R259. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00016.2023. Epub 2023 Jul 3.

Shi L, Brunius C, Johansson I, Bergdahl IA, Rolandsson O, van Guelpen B, Winkvist A, Hanhineva K, Landberg R.
Plasma metabolite biomarkers of boiled and filtered coffee intake and their association with type 2 diabetes risk.
Journal of Internal Medicine. 2019 Dec 9. doi.org/10.1111/joim.13009.

Shi L, Westerhuis JA, Rosen J, Landberg R and Brunius C.
Variable selection and validation in multivariate modelling.
Bioinformatics. 2019;35:972-980.

Rikard’s research is focused on the health effects of foods, food components and whole diets with emphasis on their role in cardiometabolic diseases, appetite regulation and weight management.

The overall aim of the research is to better understand underlying mechanisms, find new targets for prevention and develop the basis for more precise dietary advice using data-driven methods and OMICs. Metabolomics is a key technique used for discovery and validation of exposure- and prediction biomarkers, and for molecular phenotyping as the basis for tailored dietary strategies for personalized nutrition.

Rikard is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and of the National Committee for Nutrition and Food Science at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Group Members:

Senior Res. Dr. Malin Barman
Dr Therese Karlsson
Postdoc Elise Nordin
Postdoc Stefania Noerman
Postdoc Gaël Tubon
Dr Viktor Skantze
PhD-student Therese Hjort
PhD-student Sebastian Åberg
PhD-student Isabel
PhD-student Marina Armeni
Dr. Rikard Fristedt

Last updated: 2025-01-29

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(hampus.persson@scilifelab.uu.se)